
Josh provides an HTTP proxy server that can be used with any git hosting service which communicates via HTTP.

It needs the URL of the upstream server and a local directory to store its data. Optionally, a port to listen on can be specified. For example, running a local josh-proxy instance for on port 8000:

$ josh-proxy --local=/tmp/josh --remote= --port=8000

For a first example of how to make use of josh, just the josh documentation can be checked out as its own repository via this command:

$ git clone http://localhost:8000/esrlabs/josh.git:/docs.git


This URL needs to contain the .git suffix twice: once after the original path and once more after the filter spec.

josh-proxy supports read and write access to the repository, so when making changes to any files in the filtered repository, you can just commit and push them like you are used to.

URL syntax and breakdown

This is the URL of a josh-proxy instance:


This is the repository location on the upstream host on which to perform the filter operations:


This is the set of filter operations to perform:


Much more information on the available filters and the syntax of all filters is covered in detail in the History filtering section.

Repository naming

By default, a git URL is used to point to the remote repository to download and also to dictate how the local repository shall be named. It’s important to learn that the last name in the URL is what the local git client will name the new, local repository. For example:

$ git clone http://localhost:8000/esrlabs/josh.git:/docs.git

will create the new repository at directory docs, as docs.git is the last name in the URL.

By default, this leads to rather odd-looking repositories when the prefix filter is the final filter of a URL:

$ git clone http://localhost:8000/esrlabs/josh.git:/docs:prefix=josh-docs.git

This will still clone just the josh documentation, but the final directory structure will look like this:

- prefix=josh-docs
  - josh-docs
    - <docs>

Having the root repository directory name be the fully-specified filter is most likely not what was intended. This results from git’s reuse and repurposing of the remote URL, as prefix=josh-docs is the final name in the URL. With no other alternatives, this gets used for the repository name.

To explicitly specify a repository name, provide the desired name after the URL when cloning a new repository:

$ git clone http://localhost:8000/esrlabs/josh.git:/docs:prefix=josh-docs.git my-repo